Artist collective
2megatscheli, or: How to obtain success by pretending talent
Mr. Bloom about 2megatscheli:
The two young artists fjuri and mobili, who call themselves “part-time sewers”, actually never wanted to obtain more then world domination.
Consequential 2megatscheli started to accomplish their ambition in the sector where this goal has been followed without notice, ever since: Art.
This sector was chosen, because artists, like no other, have the possibility to withdraw from the system’s control, by using an ancient and likewise
effective tradition:
The artist relies on the fact that in most cases, artist aren’t taken serious anyway, or, however, reaching common consent from public, considering general
ignorance, because of exaggerating the eccentric chliche´.
Therefore, the biggest trick 2megatscheli ever did, was presenting themselves in a dimension of ridiculousness, that allowed them to keep the rest of the
world in the dark about their intention.
Thus, the protagonists, neither dare to throw themselves off some trees that belong to innocent landscaper in a fruit-costume and thereafter abuse the rooms
of a famous gallery establishment for presenting the resulting video installation, nor did they ever miss to declare a disgrace (mostly resulting from
drunkenness) to be a performance in disguise of art.
Also, their meanwhile big hit fashion series, as well distributed under the label 2megatscheli, comes across far from being reliable at a closer look:
Without further ado, an already empty room is modified into a “shop” by putting objects and random people met on the streets into it. The roof of an expired
factory building is accredited to the innocent recipients to be a “catwalk”.
Last but not least, the impertinence of 2megatscheli, that made them do to sell a square piece of fabric, that can be worn as a
t-shirt in four different versions, declared by them to be a genius invention, should be mentioned.
The question when 2megatscheli finally takes over the planet’s control, can still only be answered with speculations.
But on thing is for sure:
In their go for glory and power and with their use of biggest coolnes, these two women already made it to subdue Elsa Okazaki.