Format: 10´Vinyl
Limited Edition: 300 / Cover 4C
Made in the EU 2007
“Innsbruck Land I” compiled for MKT by Roland Maurmair
Coverphotos by Petra Plieger, Nina Tommasi & Roland Maurmair
Graphics by Roland Maurmair
Vinyl Mastering and Cut by Helmut Erler / D&M Berlin / Germany
Pressing by Eldorado / Germany
Published by Musicpark Records
All songs arranged and produced by the artists in association with medien.kunst.tirol 2006/2007.
Innsbruck Land is the project’s name published by medien.kunst.tirol – a series of 15 releases, made up of limited record-editions in coherent appearance, that represent a survey on contemporary Tyrolean music.
The medium vinyl was chosen to delight enthusiasts and collectors, just as well as giving club-dj’s “native food” for being able to confrontate the audience with it directly.
Crossways through the flora and fauna of native music scene, the series delivers an acceptable review indeed, but can never be regarded to be complete. The bandwidth of local music producers is too big. Nevertheless, medien.kunst.tirol suceeds the fusion of different music genres with the current independence-sampler.
The assortment features a wide range, from electronic to analogue. Hans Platzgumer’s electronic experiments find their place, likewise hardcore punk, pleasing groove or reggae by raggamaffia.
The graphic concept of the serveral covers relate to that:
Miscellaneous animals (domesticated and/or wildlife), that can be found in Tyrol and typify the native music scene’s differences in a metaphoric way.