An exhibition by medien.kunst.tirol – Büro für intermedialen Kommunikationstransfer
10. and 11.th of december 2005 / respectively 15:00 – 21:00h
The digital dominance is over. Today, the terms ‘digital’ and ‘analog’, as dogmatic belief maxim, don’t stand vis-a-vis in a
diametral way. In the 90’s, apparently incompatible, one type ‘in’, the other definitely ‘out’ and therefore taken with a pinch
of salt; rather lately, the artists use both methods of operation; exclusiveness (provided that it ever existed in a pure form),
was displaced by playful experiments with every available instrument.
Along with that, the idea of an artist, or better, the ‘performance’ itself experienced substantial changes. Stoic severe,
almost unemotional electro-musicians hiding behind their laptops, formed the style of the pure digital music era. But since a
fairly long time, the same musicians revert to instruments and all kinds of tools suited for creating sounds. These, sometimes,
‘laboratory’-appearing productions offer an interesting visual element to all intends and purposes.
Athe the same time, the style of contemporary moving images outreaches from computer generated geometric abstraction to
hand-drawn animations; ‘cold’ video aesthetics and ‘hot’ mogion picture language less coexist, but interdigitate.
In short, after a period of time (the last 10-15 years), where digital, automated methods of operation seemed to dominate,
nowadays the artist itself is put into focus. The person(s)’ methods of presentation, the performative doesn’t necessarily
change, but the accentuation changed sensible.
The two-day festival FRESH TRIPS explores these tendencies in local (as well as international) music- and video- productions.
Three labels form the base for different ‘disciplines’ music (MOSZ), moving image (INDEX) and fashion (__fabrics interseason).
Saying that the artists, in no case, exist isolated, but are rather linked together by naturally acting in different fields.
The wide and varied agenda, that, besides screening, dissertations and concerts, features some installative media work, delivers
insight to current productions, where ‘digital-analog’ and artistic multi-tasking constitutes a thread through all categories.
Saturday 10.12.2005
15:00 – 15:30 Opening
15:30 – 16:30 Doku ___fabrics interseason (Screening)
16:30 – 17:30 Austrian Abstracts Selection (Screening)
18:00 – 18:45 Sara Kolster / Derek Holzer (Konzert)
19:00 – 19:45 Mia Zabelka / DJ still (Konzert)
20:00 – 20:45 Electronicat • Disko B / Berlin (Konzert)
Sunday 11.12.200515:00 – 15:45 ___fabrics interseason: Salner/Schweiger (Vortrag)
15:45 – 16:15 MOSZ: Michaela Schwentner (Vortrag)
16:15 – 16:45 INDEX: Dietmar Schwärzler (Vortrag)
16:45 – 17:35 INDEX Screening (Screening)
18:00 – 18:45 MIT/2 (Konzert)
19:00 – 19:45 Claudia Märzendorfer / Nik Hummer (Konzert)
20:00 – 20:45 Michaela Grill / Martin Siewert (Konzert)
Supporting program:
Parallel to the two-day event agenda 4 DVD stations are installed at the Kunstraum Innsbruck, that provide an insight into the labels’ productions:
DVD Station 1: ___fabrics interseason DVDs
DVD Station 2: Lanolin: Austrian Abstracts DVDs
DVD Station 3: MOSZ CDs
DVD Station 4: INDEX DVDs
A small exhibition area shows selected work by artists, who, as video- and film-maker, work with video-distributor Sixpackfilm
and the DVD-Label INDEX – that means, shown on the festival. Parallel to the videoproduction, which is aligned to
festival-attendance, the artists produce work in the context of art:
Boys in the Hood: video installation by Axel Stockburger, 45 min, 2005
a.Shooter: sound-application by Michael Aschauer, Sepp Deinhofer, Thomas Felder, Rainer Mandl, 2003
Mira: CD-ROM application by Lia, 2005
A performance by Margit Brünner, collateral to the event programm on sa. 10th of dec. 2005, offers a 3-5h room intervention.
at the Kunstraum Innsbruck. start: 16:00h
Curators are Michaela Schwentner (MOSZ), Dietmar Schwärzler (INDEX), Wally Salner and Johannes Schweiger
(___fabrics interseason) and Annja Krautgasser.